We hope these frequently asked questions give you all the answers you need, please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any other queries!
What are your registration details?
Ofsted are our governing body and our registration number is EY548549. You can view our Ofsted details here.
What do I need to provide for my child’s day at Green Tots?
Change of clothing (including underwear), nappies and wipes, nappy cream, bottle or sachets of Calpol, and weather appropriate clothing such as sun hat, suncream, wellies, woolly hat, scarf, coat, puddle suit.
What if I need someone else to collect my child?
This is not a problem although please inform us as soon as possible. A password system will be set up if we have not met the person before.
How will I find out how my child is getting on?
The child’s key person will keep an up to date record on your child’s progress they will share this information with you regularly using the Tapestry app. At the end of each session staff members will talk you through your child’s day sharing vital information such as what your child has eaten, if they have had a sleep, drinks etc…
What happens if I collect my child late?
We understand this can happen as some things are out of our control such as traffic or appointments running over. We ask for you to let us know if this is going to happen as soon as you are aware. It is not a problem once or twice but if this becomes a regular occurrence, we will need to impose additional charges.
What meals do you offer?
We serve breakfast up until 8:30 am, which is a mixture of cereals and either toast or fruit to follow. We then have snack at 10:00 am. Our lunch is usually around midday which is a hot meal and we then have tea at around 4:00 pm this is usually a cold meal e.g. sandwiches, crackers, ploughman’s etc. Copies of full menus are available.
We are going on holiday, do I need to let Green Tots know?
Please let us know as soon as you can about your holiday dates. This helps us organise our staff, which in turn lets us keep to our ratios. If you inform us at least one month in advance of your holiday, we also offer reduced rate (50% off) for that period.
Can my child attend Green Tots during the school holidays?
Yes we are open most of the year, however we do close for the 8 bank holidays throughout the year and we take a Christmas break in line with normal Nottinghamshire school holidays.